EACH SPONSORSHIP UNIT IS $18. Determine your level of Sponsorship and which items from the following list you would like to sponsor.
For example: If you want to sponsor 2 units of Chicken ($36) and 1 unit of wine ($18), your total would be $54.
Then, click here to tell the Treasurer of your generosity.
There is no way during payment process that you can explain what your choices are. You must do that via an email in the link provided above.
Items needed:
• Chicken
• Matzo
• Ritual foods for the Seder plates: horseradish, bitter herbs, parsley, bones, oranges
• Hard boiled eggs
• Gefilte fish
• Wine
• Bottled water
• Paper goods & Cutlery
Or Adam Congregation for Humanistic Judaism is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Contributions are tax-deductible as provided by law.
AND finally
Payment may be made in 3 ways:
Checks sent to Mailing Address:
14747 N. Northsight Blvd., Suite 111-437
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Credit Card: Click the Payment button on the bottom of the website. If you pay with a Credit Card, please consider checking the box □ “Add $0.00 USD to help cover the fees.”