Our board members are very important to
our congregation. They volunteer their time and have dedicated themselves to our mission and purpose.
Executive Board
President & OAC SHJ Representative: Bill Parsons
Vice-President : Susan Schesnol
Secretary: Iris Durst
Treasurer: Andrea Krantz
Immediate Past President - Rich Aver
Jan Aver
Tim Ernst
Janna Walsh
Aaron Zober
Committees and Contacts
Hospitality: Jan Aver
Keshet: Janna Walsh
Membership: Susan Schesnol
Marketing & Media: Nadine Schwartz
Musical Director: Tim Ernst
SHJ: Aaron Zober and Bill Parsons
Technology: Bill Parsons
If you have questions regarding an event, celebration, gathering, or in general, please fill out the form below and one of our members will contact you.