Open to the Public. ALL Are Welcome.
A party, complete with Hanukkah treats, dreidel games, and Hanukkah gelt will follow the Hanukkah/Shabbat Celebration.
If you want to attend remotely , email to ask for a ZOOM invitation and text.
If you are attending in person, we will have printed copies available.
Also, if you are attending in person please remember to bring:
A Hanukkiah (electric, inflatable, or with candles but understand we'll have to use our imagination as we are not allowed to use fire in the building.)
Items for the Just 3 Things Projects:
Non-perishable food, water, paper products for the Paradise Valley Community Food Bank.
Diapers, wipes, school supplies (back pack especially appreciated) for Lutheran Social Services.
Men's new socks, underwear, or clean/gently used clothing for Alex's Victory Legacy.
Contact: for your Zoom invitation.
Check the “About” Tab/”Join Us” on the website for information about how to JOIN!